Project of a web serie
Meet inspiring and benevolent personalities recognized as masters and/or pupils of masters, or well-known personalities in their artistic field, women and men who pass on their art with passion, who share their know-how, their interperesonal skills, their superior ways.
The idea was born in 2014 with questions as a starting point :
What characterizes a master and what are his secrets to inspire so many students?
In a time when we are predicted to have a world where knowledge is no longer necessary, what can motivate someone to devote their life to learning or teaching an art?
While everything is accelerating, and if taking the time to discover an art, to discover oneself, to create links, was one of the keys to the positive evolution of our world?
You may also be asking yourself these questions ...
So we decided to share these meetings, by making interviews and films. Beyond the transmission of the technique of their art, the idea was to understand their personal development, the highlights of their life, their choices, their way of integrating emotions into their art, their spirituality or philosophy and the various influences on their unique journey.
We therefore first set out to meet the students and close friends of the Master among the masters in equestrian art, the great Portuguese squire Nuno OLIVEIRA ... They told us unpublished anecdotes specifying the doubts, the flaws, the character traits. present from childhood, rich in teaching on the personality of this extraordinary master, who already advocated Love and Respect for horses more than any other method.
We decided to go further and extend this project to music, dance, drawing, sculpture ... by organizing meetings between artists, to make them dialogue, share their experience, their vision and highlight parallels between the arts and the paths of life. This is how Carolyn Carlson and Maxime Le Forestier were part of this adventure.
« Happiness is not found in the top of the mountain
but in the way to climb it »
It is a real journey, an initiatory path that we invite you to share by going even further, to meet other inspiring personalities to find the keys to raising our level of personal and collective consciousness, a sine qua not to develop our humanity and overcome the great challenges of man (economic, ecological, societal).
Valérie Charrieau-Khalili
Director & Productor
January 2020
Where are we today ?
In addition to this, you need to know more about it. In 5 years, we have already filmed many meetings. 2 episodes were released in 2020, self-financed and produced by 3V PROD, broadcast during the 1st confinement period ... a way of participating in the collective effort to support this period so special for each of us. And these episodes have met their audience, You.
To be able to continue the adventure, today we are launching a crowdfunding to finalize the editing of Season 1, then launch season 2 and be able to devote more time to this project. To succeed in going faster, more continuously.
What if YOU would participate in the project?
Would you like to allow this series to continue ?
It's up to you. Subscribe to the Newsletter to be contacted.
Participate in crowdfunding.... to be continued very soon.

EPISODES on Youtube
#Season 1 - Épisode 1
The one called Master
#Season 1 - Épisode 2
There is no tree without roots