Did you like the first 2 episodes? Maybe you are one of those who send messages to continue the web-series?
If so then you will be happy to know that the release of the 3rd episode is announced for this FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2022 😊
If you don't know the web series yet, the first 2 episodes are available on the 3V PROD Youtube channel.
These 2 episodes were released in 2020 during the confinement period in France and broadcast for free... a way to participate in the collective effort to support this very special time for each of us.
New episodes are always produced by 3V PROD and broadcast on the educational and solidarity streaming platform LYNK-YOU. Your subscription participates in the production of the web-series and gives you access to exclusive content such as WeBinaRts. The plus: in line with the "suspended" coffee, a subscription can be offered to deserving people who seek to perpetuate this knowledge and these values.
To subscribe to LYNK-YOU is to engage youself in this transmission channel from Master to Student, it is to be part of a club of privileged people who have access to exclusive content, it is to participate in the creation of this adventure, this initiatory journey.
Play before Friday 11th February 12:00 am (Paris).